Our Gear List-Tech

We recently visited an all women rally in Quartzite, Arizona https://hikingmemere.com/our-first-rvw-rving-women-rally/. It was fabulous, and in addition to meeting new friends we took part in many discussions and seminars. One particular activity, common at many rallies, is an opportunity to bring one of your favorite pieces of gear to show-off to the group. We...

Our First RVW (RVing Women) Rally

Our first RVW https://www.rvingwomen.org/?gclid=CjwKCAiAzc2tBhA6EiwArv-i6RId-HxmVgW3_Qp1yUFhVihe9ctaVrSclX6m07ChGY8FledlsGQJABoC-xAQAvD_BwE rally was a wonderful experience, full of laughter, information and new friends. RVing Women describes their group as a group for women by women. They are dedicated to sharing information and support to other women RVers. We were there as guests of the group as we had not yet become...

Video of the Week – Ladder & Painted Canyon

Mecca Hills Wilderness, CA Hiking Memere takes you on a hike through narrow slot canyons in the Mecca Hills Wilderness. Ladder and Painted Canyon loop is a 4-5 mile hike including ladders, ropes, narrows, and a ridge. It is a popular hike with beautiful views near Palm Springs, CA and Joshua Tree National Park....